Former Lab Members

Former CazLab Members

Former lab members,  if you would like to add or change a link on your name (or make any corrections), please contact Caz.

Former Ph.D. Students

Kiah Williams (Ph.D. 2023). Beach-Nesting Bird Reproductive Success: Challenges in the 21st Century

Fabiola Rodriguez (Ph.D. 2023). Overwintering Ecology of Nearctic-Neotropical Migratory Songbirds: An evaluation of knowledge gaps

Christen Steele (Ph.D. 2022). Shifts in Migratory Behavior: Implications for Parasite Infection, Population Dynamics, and Morphology in Eastern North American Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus)

John A. Herbert (Ph.D. 2021). Survival, Effects of Habitat Change, and Migratory Tactics of Nearctic-Neotropical Migratory Shorebirds

Maggie MacPherson (Ph.D. 2017) Migration patterns in birds of the new world: seasonal, morphometric, and physiological considerations.

Alex Ameen (Ph.D. 2017) Ecogeomorphological processes:  Land building in the Mississippi River Delta.

Sarah Giltz (Ph.D. 2017) Larval and spawning ecology of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

Susan C. Chiasson (Ph.D. 2017 Ecotoxicology)  Effects of petroleum and anthropogenic contamination on growth, uptake, and gene expression in the blue crab, Callinectes.

Andrew J. Laughlin, Ph.D.  (Ph.D. 2015)  Movement ecology of a migratory songbird: Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor).

Jessica R. Henkel, Ph.D.  (Ph.D. 2015)  Migration ecology of shorebirds on the northern Gulf of Mexico and effects of the deepwater horizon oil spill.



Marcela Cely-Santos . Growing Convergence Research – Yoro model for Sustainable Coffee 

Joanna Gyory, Ph.D. Modeling Larval dispersal in the Gulf of Mexico.

Erin Grey, Ph.D. Population dynamics, movement and recruitment of Blue Crabs.

Bryan J. Sigel, Ph.D. Effects of the oil spill on shorebirds and their associated food webs.

Rosalyn Rael, Ph.D. Metapopulation dynamics of urban rats and disease.


Master’s Students and Lab Techs 

Erin Sheehy (Lab Technician). Monarch Butterflies.

Katrina Leyh (M.A. Economics, 2022, Independent Study). Developing a Carbon Offset Trading Scheme for Small Holdings and Private Land as Applied to the Yoro Biological Corridor

Caitlin Ducat (Thesis M.S.) Monarchs of the Gulf Coast: Effects of novel environmental conditions on wing morphology of the Eastern migratory monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus).

Megan Ogburn (4+1 M.S.) Temperature, Cardenolides, Heavy Metals,  and Monarch Development.

Tyler Glaser (+1 M.S.) Analyzing citizen science data to understand declines in migratory birds.

Kelsie Kelly (4+1 M.S.) Effects of petroleum on embryo development in blue crabs.

Carlee Moir (4+1 M.S.) Patterns in Plankton biomass in the Gulf of Mexico.


Undergraduate Students

Anna Shattuck How infection with Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (OE) influences thermoregulatory behavior and behavioral fever

Bernadeth St.Marie lab assistant on the Monarch project

Lewis Greenstein Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) larval performance: The spectrum and basis of plant palatability.

Anna Sloan  Ghost Crab abundance and distributions in coastal Louisiana.

Erik Johnson Avian Coastal Ecology: Survival and movement in beach-nesting birds using radio telemetry.

Brittany Maldonado Effects of host plants on morphology of monarch butterflies.

Kristen Rosamond Melanization and immune function in a monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) population in New Orleans.

Dan Coleman Effects of ocean acidification on carapace hardness in blue crabs.

Kyle Coblentz Intermediate disturbance, habitat heterogeneity, or both? Testing diversity hypotheses in the soft-sediment intertidal.

Hannah Williams Variation in blue crab megalopae along the northern Gulf of Mexico.

Benjamin Jones Modeling larval transport of Blue Crabs in the Gulf of Mexico.

Jaclyn Bergeron Evolution of communal roosting behavior.

Stephanie Wagstaff Patterns of Contaminants Detected in Megalopal Blue Crabs in the Gulf of Mexico.

Cynthia Crowley Plankton communities in the Gulf of Mexico.

Jerica Podrat Analysis of radar images to locate Tree Swallow roosts.

Victoria Troeger Patterns of diversity of crab megalopae in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

Laura Chieko Matthews Effects of multiple past population bottlenecks when inferring population history. 

Caroline Mitchell Water as a potential mechanism for dispersal of Chinese PrivetLigustrum sinense, an invasive shrub.

Jaclyn Bergeron Analysis of radar images determine the variation and the effects of climate on arrival time of migratory Tree Swallows.

Michael Bartlein Developing a particle tracking model for the Gulf of Mexico.

Mary Grace Lemon The effects of Hurricane Katrina on bird communities in Honey Island Swamp.